
A Practical Guide
This resource was written to help prepare and enhance the effectiveness of those who love to pray for others.
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A Time to Prepare, A Time to Pray
Know Your Fit
Locating Your Frontline
Your Key Prayer Partner
Before Approaching Your Frontline
Personal Preparation
Daily Devotions as a Married Couple
Covering Your Home and Family
Dressing for Prayer: In God’s Character
Dressing for Prayer: In God’s Armour
Approaching Your Frontline
Keeping Your Radio On
Locating your Team
Entering the Field
God’s Weapon of Unity
Knowing your Weapons: the Name and Blood of Jesus
Knowing your Sword: the Word of God
In Fellowship with the Holy Spirit
Operating in Spiritual Gifts
Aware of your Enemy
Alert to the Presence of Witchcraft
Guarding the Place of Prayer
Discerning Witchcraft over you
What to do about it
As a Prayer Leader
Covering up in the Public Eye
Praying in the Flesh
After Engagement
Prayers of Protection
Putting on the Armour of God
A Pray for Intercessors
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10
I learnt the hard way that as an intercessor, one who would pray for others, I could suffer loss or come under oppression as a result of my prayers. Unseen forces seemed to contend against me simply because I prayed. It took me a while to realise that the battle between unseen forces in the spirit was real, as though I was a soldier on a physical battle field. I had to learn how to defend myself whilst praying on behalf of others. It was a bit like learning how to dress and equip myself ready for intercession before I began.
We wouldn’t think much of a combat soldier who steps into the frontline of a physical skirmish without first establishing radio contact with headquarters to ensure directions, locating their team, kitting up in armour and picking up their weapons. We’d be horrified if that soldier was also to rush out onto the field, without first doing all they could to ensure the coast was clear, to move safely into position. It leaves us with the comical image out of an old western movie that whilst trying to take aim at the enemy in the valley, our hero must leap and dance and run for cover to avoid bullets whistling around his legs, fired from almost point blank range. His efforts to pick off the enemy are fruitless for the want of some preparation and better protection. Yet, that describes well my beginning efforts of praying for others. Perhaps you can relate to this too.
Over the years the Lord has used the illustration of a soldier heading into combat to teach me different facets of preparation to ensure my spiritual protection, as I engage in the ministry of intercession. I’m a soldier still in training with plenty to learn but at this point I’ve chosen to share some of this practical wisdom with you. These steps of preparation can make our function as intercessors much safer and the results more effective. The following pages distill many years of learning. As you read and apply these tips in faith I pray God strengthens, encourages and protects you, as you love and serve Him through the ministry of intercession. God bless you!
Kathryn Yaxley
A Time to Prepare, a Time to Pray
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:…. A time to tear down and a time to build” Ecclesiastes 3:1, 3b
The first time I can remember being caught in cross fire associated with praying for another took me by surprise. I had been praying for a friend to experience freedom and inner healing. I saw my prayers being answered as she stepped into counseling and found release and peace. However, not long after I watched the full weight of unseen demonic forces press against her to rob her of her new found peace. I came under a dark, oppressing cloud myself the like of which I’d not previously experienced. A mentor pointed out the reality of the spiritual forces fighting to prevent her freedom and challenging my role as the one who stood in the gap on her behalf. I learnt a sobering lesson on the reality of contention in the realm of prayer. I realised I had rushed out on the battle field to pray for her somewhat underprepared and had been caught short, like that person in the old western movie.
There is an old proverb which says “A stitch in time saves nine”, meaning that timely acts early on can save more effort later. Over the next few years the Lord applied this proverb to my practice of praying for others in two ways.
Firstly, He taught me to prepare in prayer before beginning each new prayer project. If I did I was actually going to save time and effort later and be much better protected. By a prayer focus or project I mean things like ongoing prayer for friends and individuals in your circle, ministry leaders, your church, a mission, a region, a school, or city, state or nation. If you regularly ‘stand in the gap’ on behalf of any of these arenas (or others) then you have entered the battlefield to see God’s purposes done on behalf of these. ‘One who stands in the gap’ and prays for others is the definition of an intercessor.
Secondly, the Lord taught me keys of how to protect myself during ongoing prayer. As I spent time in preparatory prayer I began to understand that I was like a soldier pausing first to step into fitted armour, identifying and picking up correct weapons, checking the radio was working and making sure the coast was clear to engage. I came to appreciate that this process was as valuable as prayers for protection during the intercession, indeed the intercession itself.
Tip: If you want to improve your spiritual protection as an intercessor and ensure greater effectiveness then learn to prepare well and set aside time to focus on the tips contained in the following pages.
Knowing Your Fit
“The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12
There are many ways that God calls and equips us to pray and intercede. Prayer is simply talking or communing with God. Interceding is doing so on behalf of others.
My husband is a list prayer and faithfully prays for people in this way but this is not my preferred style of prayer. I like to ask God what He wants me to pray about and move with that, which is what a prophetic intercessor does. A friend is gifted in prayer for healing of the sick and has seen miraculous answers to her prayers. Another spends time in worship as part of her prayers for others. A different friend has an anointing to pray for governmental issues. The gifts of prayer and the ways to pray are multiple. There is no standard right way. It is important that we find out how we are gifted and wired and operate in that way because then we will be our strongest. It will look different to others but it’s important that we hold to it.
There is a very useful book by T Femrie, E Alves and K Kaufman called ‘Intercessors – Discover Your Prayer Power’ which fleshes out this truth. It asserts there are different types of intercessory gifting like: issues intercessors, list intercessors, midwives, spiritual guardians, financial intercessors, mercy intercessors, crisis intercessors, warfare intercessors, worship intercessors, government intercessors, people-group intercessors and prophetic intercessors.
I found out that I am a covering intercessor gifted in warfare and prophetic intercession, often one who stays in the background to cover other people or ministries. I assumed we were all wired to pray the same but experience in several prayer networks where I struggled to find my fit taught me otherwise. It is one of the most crucial things to find out because as we stay in our strength and operate as God wired us, we will be in the most productive and protected place.
Knowing how we are wired helps with our spiritual protection. It can also and importantly assist us to identify our frontline.
Tip: If you don’t already know, ask God to show you what kind of intercessor you are and where you fit, because as you function there you will be most protected.
Locating Your Frontline
“The Lord has assigned to each his task. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labour.” 1 Corinthians 3:5b,8
A good soldier knows where the frontline is and can approach it safely. Their frontline will not necessarily be the same as another soldier. This truth is obvious in physical combat. Each soldier has their own piece of earth to contend for with some on flat ground, others on rocky outcrops, some further forward than others. Though all fight on the same side, their terrain and even direct enemy can differ.
- What is your frontline? What arenas or people has the Lord given you to pray for? Make a list.
- Are these your commitments or from the Lord? God’s purposes for us can be found in those things we are drawn to but sometimes God’s purposes can differ. If you haven’t clarified this with the Lord lately then give Him time to speak into this.
- Are there any arenas or people that it’s time to remove from this list?
- Then ask the Lord to make it clear what His priority for you is in terms of your list. Though it might be quite a list there can be often one that is God’s priority. That is your frontline. The rest will fit under that priority.
Being clear about your frontline, God’s priorities in prayer for you, not only protects but helps us be more effective.
Once you have sorted your list before the Lord you might like to pray about your frontline (prayer priorities) something like the following:
- Surrender the prayer projects to the Lord.
- Ask God to help you establish the prayer projects according to His direction.
- Bind the enemy from distracting or ambushing you from fulfilling God’s purposes for you in terms of prayer.
- Then ask God to lead you and help you follow Him.
Your Key Prayer Partner
“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me, scatters.” Luke 11:23
Essentially the key partnership in prayer is firstly between God and you. For three years I wandered through a prayer network I was part of looking for those who could partner with me for the things God was asking me to pray for. I became crestfallen because I felt God had not given me partners to help carry the load. As I turned to God about this situation He reassured me that He simply needed me to partner with Him. The things He’d put on my heart were to be trusted to Him in my personal prayer closet. I‘d fallen into the trap of seeing human prayer partners as more important and necessary than partnering with the Lord!
In that place, of fellowship with the triune God, you are a majority. The Lord is the one to worship and is our priority to consult for direction and guidance regarding our intercession. Be faithful to those prayer tasks He’s called you to and trust His equipping for the task.
You might like to commit your prayer partnership together to the Lord using the following ideas:
- Surrender your prayer partnership with the Lord to Him. He is your most important partner. Pray that He would receive the glory.
- Ask the Lord’s help to trust Him as senior partner.
- Pray that He would equip you to hear from Him and you would be sensitive and open to His prompts regarding the things you pray about.
- Pray that God would train you to pray as He’s designed you to function.
- Pray that God would cover you from all unseen, ungodly forces as you pray.
Your most important team in terms of prayer is this team of two – our triune God and you.
Before Approaching Your Frontline
“Make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control and to self control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness … for if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1:5-8
Once you’ve identified your frontline, your priorities in prayer, there are preparations to be made that can strengthen and protect your intercession.
Personal Preparation
Be walking in a love relationship with Jesus and guard it. It is the key to all your intercession. John 15:4 “Remain in me and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” It is also an area Satan will assault because if he can fracture your fellowship with the Lord he hinders your effectiveness in prayer for others. Enjoy time with the Lord as a priority before praying for others as this is one area that can get out of balance. There is a danger of over-committing to prayer projects leaving ourselves little energy to simply enjoy the Lord.
Be obedient to His word and those things the Lord asks you to do, because obedience is a great protector. As we love and obey God we are invited to ask Him for things, a prayer He loves to answer.
John 15: 17 “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory that you bear much fruit.” What a great motivator to pray for others!
Be walking in fellowship with other Christians. “Whoever loves his brother [or sister] lives in the light, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble.” 1 John 2:10
Develop good devotional patterns that include a daily prayer of spiritual protection. Life as an intercessor exposes us to duress in the unseen realm but a simple daily prayer can help cover and protect us, so we can keep on in victory. This acts a bit like a daily removal of household rubbish. For examples of daily prayers turn to the end of this booklet.
Daily Devotions as a Married Couple
If you are married to a Christian one of the strongest forms of spiritual protection is daily prayer for home and family as a couple. There is a dynamic released as we pray together that is greater than the sum of two sets of individual prayers. From personal experience it has a powerfully protective role over the home and family.
My husband, Peter, shares: It took me a while to understand my role regarding spiritual protection in our home. Just after we arrived in Southern Tasmania I observed that we were in a spiritual battle. Kathryn hurt her back and spent many weeks recuperating and other Christian leaders were facing health and other issues. I remember thinking, “If we are going to be involved in frontline Christian ministry long-term we need to make sure we have all the spiritual protection we need.” Not being the most spiritually sensitive person I often left this side of the spiritual battle to Kathryn. While I believed in spiritual protection and warfare, it just wasn’t part of my experience as a Christian.
Through teaching and observation, I saw the need to do something that enabled us to be covered and protected on a daily basis. I had to learn how to take the spiritual lead in our home. Different people had told us about ‘praying on the Armour of God daily.’ This came in the form of written prayers. Liturgy and written prayers were again not part of my upbringing. I can remember some of my denomination scoffing at denominations that read prayers. I have since discovered written prayers to be helpful. I found a number of written prayers that dealt with praying on the armour and wrote my own daily prayers.
My resolution was that we needed to pray together each morning using these prayers, pray for particular people and read a devotion together. We have done this for over ten years now. I have found that they serve two purposes, firstly asking for spiritual protection for us both and secondly a daily reminder of who we are in Christ. Kathryn will tell you that with me taking the spiritual leadership in this way, her own capacity as an intercessor improved. My covering mattered.
Tip: If you are not already doing so set aside some time to pray together for your home. Morning or evening often works best. Be realistic in your commitment. If you are single or your spouse is not willing to pray with you at this point in time, or is an unbeliever, personally cover your home.
Covering Your Home and Family
“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” Ephesians 5:31
Irrespective of the pattern of your personal daily devotions and prayer time together as a couple, there is another step the Lord taught me to pray prior to the start of a new prayer project.
I learnt to pray a covering prayer over my home, spouse and family. The following are some of its key elements, praying:
- That the prayer project would serve the purposes of God for my home and family and not provide fodder in any way for the enemy to use as a wedge in the home.
- Binding the eyes, ears and intent of the enemy to move against my home, marriage and family as I enter into and engage in this prayer project, for its duration.
- Praying that the blood of Jesus would cover my family and possessions.
- That God alone would be glorified through this prayer project.
The implications of our intercession, though unseen, do impact on our home. Since a married couple is ‘one flesh’ our spouse will also sense some of the spiritual activity generated through prayer, which can directly impact our partner and also children. I noted that as I pressed into prayer my husband seemed to come under extra stress. This would be the case whether he knew of a prayer focus or not. I learnt I needed to protect him and my home as part of my prayers. Praying in the above way helps protect those dear to us because they come along with us in some measure as we ride forth in prayer. If we fail to pray for them as we pray for others, we can leave them exposed.
Let me share a story. I was praying for a ministry leader once whose family was experiencing many besetting trials. I asked God how to pray for this situation when He showed me the following image. I saw the public ministry represented by a train. The ministry leader was in the front carriage and quite protected. I noted the family also sat on the train but in an open carriage. Though only the leader was active in public ministry the family were essentially ‘coming along for the ride’ in the spirit and deeply impacted by the spiritual battle over the ministry. When our partner and children are not involved in our intercession but occupied in other pursuits we can fail to apprehend this reality or pray to protect them accordingly. So pray for your family as you pray for others.
Dressing for Prayer: In God’s Character
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” Colosians 3:12-14
True intercession is coming alongside God and asking Him to give us His EYES, HEART and LOVE for the person, area, or church etc. that we are praying for. When it comes to praying for others we need to be praying out of the character of Christ. Otherwise we will approach our prayers with the wrong heart and find ourselves praying out of our flesh in anger, frustration or resentment. This exposes us to attack and can hinder those we pray for.
It is a work in progress to learn to live in God’s LIFE, see with God’s PERSPECTIVE and reflect God’s HEART. Life lived in the LOVE of God through the POWER of the Spirit is Paul’s call to the believer in the above verses. It’s also to be true of how we pray. As we apply the grace of God in prayer for another, we are learning to dress in God’s character. That is powerful and life changing clothing. It’s also the clothing we need in order to stand against the enemy and our own flesh life.
Another key protective aspect mentioned in the above verse is living in forgiveness. If we are holding unforgiveness, as Matthew 6:14 and 15 tells us, we are outside God’s full protection. Unforgiveness opens us up to being attacked by the enemy.
There was a time when in my heart I blamed a ministry leader for rejecting me and exposing me. I was sad and hurting and felt wronged. It was quite convicting some time later to have God’s Holy Spirit shine His light on my own unforgiveness as the root of my ill feeling. It was only with God’s help and grace that I was able to hand over the invoice I was clutching of what I felt she owed me, the debt of her sin against me. Handing it over to God set me free to receive forgiveness from God for holding another in bondage. It also gave God permission to heal me of a long standing wound, which included some oppressive spiritual rubbish which had accumulated around my soul.
Tip: To know God’s full protection choose to walk in forgiveness. When that seems too hard ask for the Holy Spirit’s help.
Dressing for Prayer: In God’s Armour
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. With the belt of truth buckled around your waist, ….the breastplate of righteousness in place …feet fitted… with the gospel of peace. Take up the shield of faith….take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:10-18
Using the image of the soldier equipped for battle, God’s character forms our undergarments; those items we can never be without. The outer layer and counterpart for spiritual protection is the armour of God, which comes on so we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes. We can never be without this either if we want to stand firm.
The armour of God is the attributes and power of our identity in Christ. This is the truth about ourselves in Christ, as covered in the blood and fully forgiven (righteous), walking in peace, living in faith in God, knowing the mind of Christ and the power of our salvation. Our authority comes from whose we are, Christ’s. We are covered by His character, His name and His power.
The term ‘put on’ indicates an activity on our part. We must appropriate what has already been given. A way of doing this that I appreciate is starting each day with a prayer for putting on the armour of God. It’s both a daily reminder of whose I am in Christ and invokes the power of God over my life, including aspects of dealing with the enemy. I’m then covered for the day whatever it brings. Go to the end of the booklet for examples.
Whenever I start a new prayer project I also pray to put on God’s armour in the following way. I like to:
- Ask God to equip me with His new set of armour for the new project and remove the old set.
- Pray I would learn how to operate in it & that it would remain in place.
- Ask God for the new sword, those Scriptures that will help me stand.
- Pray that He will release to me the prayers He would like me to pray.
- Pray that the enemy would not discern the new armour.
- Ask God to cover me and my new armour in the blood of Jesus.
Approaching your Frontline:
Keeping Your Radio On
“Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Luke 11:9,10
Early in my journey of praying for others I discovered that God could guide me in what to pray. Essentially I discovered access to the Holy Spirit’s radio transmitter to and from heaven. One of the first times I was aware of this was when I was resting as though on His lap, talking to Him about a friend’s need. When I paused an impression came, a living image as to where to begin in prayer. As I ‘prayed the picture’ the burden for her released and I knew I’d been heard. This began an exciting adventure in praying many images through to release. Exciting because it was God directed. Fulfilling because I knew I was praying in line with God’s holy will. I could see results!
In my enthusiasm there were times however when I also dropped my radio transmitter on the ground and rushed onto the field, assuming I knew how to pray. I learnt that wasn’t wise. The first thing the Lord speaks isn’t always all He has to say. Learning to keep my ear tuned to His Spirit during the whole of my prayer time became important for my spiritual protection too.
Other times I forgot to use the transmitter, overwhelmed by the many people shouting orders (requests for prayer) on the battle field. I would become paralysed with fright or uncertainty. Directions coming from different people, not all agreeing, led to confusion too. What orders were to be followed? In time I learnt it is wise to check with the Lord before picking up ANY prayer project. What are His orders for me? Then obey His directive.
Over time the Lord taught me I was safest as I turned on my radio receiver to stay tuned for divine updates, direction and briefings by:
- Submitting my prayer time to Him and positioning myself at His feet.
- Inviting His Holy Spirit’s leading and asking for His help.
- Trusting expectantly in faith.
- Listening for a time for directions or insights.
- Following those insights in prayer. For those who do not receive pictures these insights come in different ways such as a word or sense, a scripture, a knowing what to pray for, a song, a strong feeling or even a sense of physical pain that matches a need and so on.
- Commit it to God in prayer.
Locating Your Team
“Five of you will chase a hundred and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you.” Leviticus 26:8
Having said previously that our prime prayer partner is the Lord, He frequently places us in partnerships and team for accountability, strength and effectiveness. It is often the place where He grows us too and teaches us about our fit and style of intercession.
There is a powerful dynamic which the above scripture talks about, that can be applied to prayer. When we join together with others our effectiveness multiplies markedly. The key is to be open to God to work with others and seek Him regarding who those others are to be. Those you partner with become part of your spiritual protection. Standing side by side strengthens your own position and will bless them.
It is wise to ask the Lord whether any particular prayer project is simply one for your prayer closet (like when God laid a particular nation on my heart) or one to partner with. If you sense its one to partner with ask Him to bring a prayer partner to you, if you don’t already have one. Sometimes partnerships will be long standing. Other times it may mean teaming together for only one project.
Sometimes there is clear nudging from God to step alongside another and together partner for personal prayer support or a particular project. I recall one time I was working on a prayer diary for our area with a new friend. As we finished this I experienced a leading to invite her to partner in prayer for our region. God confirmed to her that this was His will and we began to meet regularly to pray for our area.
Other times prayer partnership happens through circumstances. I think of a time when we were invited to join a prayer group for our local school. Those that were in that prayer group became partners in prayer for that season.
Praying with others is both a privilege and places us in a position of trust. We need to be aware of those partnering with us, like a good soldier will look out for their mates on a combat field.
Entering the Field:
Using God’s Weapon of Unity
“Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.” Zechariah 4:6
True unity is based in relationship through fellowship with Christ and is one of the Body of Christ’s most powerful weapons. Our unity can be a great threat to the enemy therefore we need to guard our relationships. The Lord has also taught me some of the following keys in prayer.
Before you JOIN a team you might like to pray privately in the following ways. Asking that:
1. God assigns you to your correct position in the team and hides you there from enemy eyes.
2. God would set the others in their correct places so you can work together effectively in the spirit.
3. God would co-ordinate the team through His Holy Spirit. Pray that He would overrule human ideas and prayers that do not serve His purposes
4. Ask God to cover the fruit of your joint intercession, sealing it for His Kingdom use.
5. Pray that God would cover the prayer team under the blood of Jesus from the enemy and his agents.
6. Ask God to let you know when your work is done on the team.
When you LEAD a team you might like to pray with the team using the following. This is especially helpful at transitional times (like the start of a school year if you lead a school prayer group.)
1. Commit the team, including your leadership, to the Lord. Submit to His agenda and welcome His leading of the team
2. Ask the Lord to cleanse and fill each of you afresh with His Holy Spirit.
3. Ask the Lord to help each of you keep in step with the Spirit. Pray that He would overrule human ideas and prayers that do not serve His purposes
4. Ask the Holy Spirit to position each of you in your correct place for the next season, hiding you from the enemy.
5. Ask the Lord to dress you in His armour, releasing the weapons and prayers needed for this new season. Pray that these would be hidden to the enemy and his cohorts.
6. Dedicate the team to the Lord including all fruit of your intercession.
7. Ask the Lord to cover you with His blood.
Knowing your Weapons
“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” 2 Cor 4:10
No respectable soldier attempts to enter a conflict without knowing what their weapons are, trusting their worth and being willing to use them. In the same way, when it comes to prayer itself, as well as protection, we need to be aware of how well God has provided for each of us.
The name of the Lord Jesus is the name under which we stand and intercede. It is our banner or standard under which God’s army engages in prayer. It’s the name that is higher than any name in creation. “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth… Phil 2:9,10
The name of Jesus is the name that strikes terror into the enemy camp. “Through You we will push down our enemies; through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us.” Psalm 44:4-5 As we call on the name of the Lord it is also tremendously protective. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10 Jesus’ name is part of the weaponry of each intercessor.
We stand grafted into the most amazing DNA, the power-filled and perfect blood and life of the Lord Jesus Christ. One drop of His blood is enough to cover the sin of the universe. One drop is enough to cover our sin, totally disarming Satan’s claim on us. “In him we have redemption, through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.” Eph 1:7
The blood of Jesus is tremendously powerful and is part of the divine protection under which we stand. “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” John 6:56 Do not underestimate the POWER of the blood of Jesus. The enemy can’t stand it. It disables him though he needs to be reminded of that in our prayers. It is also worth stating that when operating in a prayer team sharing communion can be a very powerful act of warfare and intercession.
Knowing your Sword: the Word of God
“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
The picture of the Word of God being a sword, speaks of the directed and applied Word of God: a specific word or promise for a specific issue. For instance, when praying for an unsaved family member or friend we canremind God what He said in His word: “He is patient…., not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” 2 Peter 3:9. Using God’s Word is often how we approach God, reminding Him of its truths.
Other times, taking up our sword can mean asking God which scripture verse or part of His Word we can wield over a particular situation. Don’t be afraid to take time waiting on the Lord to find out. It will mean a sharper and more powerful sword. When I started to pray for my local school I asked the Lord for a scripture to use to stand in prayer, both in approaching God but also contending against the enemy. What came to mind was the image of Joshua leading the Children of Israel into the Promised Land. I used that image to inform my prayers for the year. It gave me courage and strength knowing that I was working in line with a scripture God had given me.
Our sword is also protective. Think of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness when Satan approached Him. Jesus used the Word of God each time to overcome. “It is written….” Luke 4:4,8,12 Just note that the enemy also knows God’s Word and can use it against us as he did with Jesus during his third temptation, where he quoted the Bible “For it is written….” Luke 4:10
Tip: As a result I pray that God would guard His Word in my heart and hand so it would not be used against me as I pray for others.
This goes to show that knowing God’s Word isn’t enough. We need to know the One whose Word it is. We need to be sensitive to God’s Spirit as well as His Word. It is interesting that in Ephesians 6:17, in Paul’s description of the armour of God, he states: “take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” I believe this refers to the power of God’s Spirit in us breathing life into God’s revealed Word in Scripture. I also believe it can include God highlighting a rhema (living) Word from His Scriptures to pray in a particular situation.
In Fellowship with the Holy Spirit
“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” Ephesians 1:17
We are never alone in prayer on the field of engagement for we have Another who acts as our guide ALWAYS. He never leaves. This gift is the PRESENCE of the HOLY SPIRIT, who acts, as the Scriptures say, as our Counselor and Spirit of Truth, Comforter, Helper, Guide and Teacher.
Notice that this is the glorified Spirit of Jesus come to live in us. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever – the Spirit of truth. … I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” John 14:16,18 Though Jesus in person now sits at the right hand of God the Father, His Spirit is sent from the Father to live in each of us. We need to be alert to Him because He is our greatest asset, friend and helper, for a life of prayer.
“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
John 14:26 Did you notice, we have an on board personal instructor for life on the frontline of prayer, who will remind us of Jesus’ wisdom and ways, bringing His power to bear in and through us? This is a great comfort.
More than that, it paints the picture of a great overshadowing guide and presence of LOVE leading each soldier over the landscape of prayer and intercession. There is no moment when we walk alone. There is no question or care we must carry alone. There is no issue where we cannot seek His help and power. Gal 5:25 “Since we live by the Spirit let us keep in step with the Spirit.” As we learn to walk with Him, depend on Him and ask for His help, our effectiveness and protection in prayer strengthens.
It is curious that in Luke 11:1-13, one of Jesus’ key teachings on prayer, He ends His exhortations by linking the gift of the Holy Spirit with ASKING. “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” So take up Jesus’ invitation to ask for the Holy Spirit so you walk around fully equipped with resources on your frontline of prayer.
Tip: Ask God daily to fill you with His Spirit’s power. Invite Him to teach you to walk in tune with the Spirit.
Operating in Spiritual Gifts
1 Tim 4:14 “Do not neglect your gift …..”
Although these words were spoken to Timothy they could apply to all of us concerning our spiritual gifts. The Holy Spirit not only brings the presence of God to us but gives gifts of power, including for the arena of intercession.
The good news is we can ask for spiritual gifts to assist us in our prayers. “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts… especially the gift of prophecy.” 1 Cor 14:1 We do well to seek and embrace spiritual gifts as part of our essential equipment in intercession like spiritual weapons and abilities for our life as soldiers.
There are many spiritual gifts. “There are different kinds of gifts but the same spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:4 I would like to mention just a few that I consider a great help in intercession, rememberingif we lack these we can ask God for them.
Prophecy, the ability to sense something of God’s heart for the way ahead, can help to pray in God’s plans over a certain situation, person or ministry.
Revelation and wisdom: “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” Ephesians 1:17 These two act like eyes, to know and see God’s heart and thus help provide supernatural guidance and direction of where to start and what to pray for concerning a certain issue or person etc.
Insight and discernment: There are different kinds of discernment. These gifts may help diagnose the root of an issue so you know how to pray, or what the enemy is intending through a set of circumstances, so you can intercede.
Words of knowledge: This gift can be useful in directing your prayers.
Tongues: The gift of an unknown prayer language. This is a mighty support to intercession when you do not know how to pray or sense the press of the enemy close at hand. If you do not have this gift and you are stuck in prayer remember Romans 8:26. “We do not know what we ought to pray for but the Spirit himself intercedes for us…” When stuck ask the Spirit to take over.
Tip: Before your prayer time include a prayer for God to release His spiritual gifts to you for that session. Pray that these gifts and revelation would be hidden to enemy eyes.
Aware of your Enemy
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.“ Ephesians 6:12
When we pray for a person, church, school etc. we are doing two things. We are interceding before God to see His purposes done in their life. To empower us we need God’s Spirit to show us God’s heart. We are also contending against enemy schemes to enforce our Lord’s victory on the cross, where He triumphed over Satan. Colossians 2:15 The enemy that Paul means here is Satan, not people, though they may unwittingly help carry out Satan’s schemes. We need to know how to bind this enemy, keeping our eyes on Jesus. Matthew 18:18
It is interesting that the purpose of God’s holy armour mentioned in Ephesians 6:11 is that we can “take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” The armour is custom made. The implication is clear firstly, that schemes of the enemy exist and secondly, that as we walk in and stand in the armour of God we have an active part to play in overcoming these schemes.
Paul is also making a point that we need to be alert to enemy tactics as part of entering the field of intercession. For me that came slowly and it is still a work in progress. My denominational background did not teach much in this area. Personal deliverance had opened my eyes to see that the spiritual world is real, consisting of our great God and His angels, but also the enemy and his cohorts. Scripture is true. Recognising how the enemy can impact on the ministry of intercession was another matter. I’ll share some of my journey in the following pages. My purpose is to give general tips about spiritual protection in an area where I see neglect.
However firstly, please note that the schemes of the enemy will be in keeping with his nature. Remember Satan’s nature is fixed. His schemes will bear the hallmark of his nature and character. Satan is always a liar, in fact the father of lies, John 8:44, an accuser Rev 12:10, he condemns (Romans 8:1), cheats, and is one who seeks to rob, kill and destroy. (John 10:10).
Tip: Be aware that not every difficulty we face is a scheme of the enemy. There are times we face God’s loving discipline which comes to grow, refine and restore us. We need to submit to God in these situations. Balance is needed. We can also reap the consequence of our actions.
Alert to the Presence of Witchcraft
“Stay sober, stay alert! Your enemy, the Adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Stand against him, firm in your trust….” 1 Peter 5:8,9
It is easy to believe in evil spiritual forces when we think about pioneer missionaries in third world countries but it is a different reality altogether to be alert to and recognise activity in our own ‘western back yard’. Many of us are asleep to this reality and therefore we are vulnerable. One of the schemes that I’ve had my eyes opened to as an intercessor is the growing presence of witchcraft practices in this country.
Witchcraft can be used as a broad term to cover any practice where spiritual power is gained or exerted through dark means (sorcery, mediums, voodoo, New Age, occult, Satanism, divination, casting spells etc.) It can also relate to a specific field of witchcraft curses and rituals practiced by people called witches. Though I refer specifically to witches and some of their practices please note I am encompassing all forms of the broader definition. See Deut 18:9-14 These practices are forbidden in both Old and New Testaments. Gal 5:19-21
My first direct encounter in the field came when I attended a prayer conference and the leaders had been tipped off about several witches in attendance. This shocked me. I was told later its common practice to have witches attend conferences on prayer. I was put on the prayer team at that conference (it was a practical training conference) to find I was contending against curses coming directly against that conference and its speakers from a local coven of witches. (The gift of discernment was operating in that prayer team.) As we prayed it became clear there were people using a crystal ball to gain information about the meeting and sending curses against proceedings. I watched the leader of the prayer room model how to bind this activity. Leaders later reported they felt the freedom over their speaking and commended the prayer team on a job well done.
That conference provided a reality check. I’ve since learnt (and experienced) that witches do attend conferences, churches, even prayer meetings to gain information and influence the meeting contrary to godly purposes. We are not to fear this! Our call is always to love our neighbor but be alert.
Tip: See following page for an example of covering prayer prior to attending a public meeting.
Guarding the Place of Prayer
“Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:19,20
As I talked with other Christian prayer leaders I learned that any prayer meeting, even where two or three pray together can attract interest from witches. I learnt that those using dark arts are attracted to prayer in particular but do not need to attend in person to ‘track’ prayer meetings. There are ways that information can be sourced apart from direct presence, through sorcery, crystal balls and astral travel etc. Astral travel is a practice where people leave their bodies and travel as disembodied spirits. I’ve been told they are particularly attracted to spiritual power. It’s a common practice in the New Age movement. Other experienced prayer warriors taught that prayer times are useful observation times to witches probably because many things can be revealed from God at that time and so much of God’s Spirit and power flow.
This situation is not to be feared because God’s name is higher. Nor is it to become a focus because simple preventative prayers will take care of these things but it is a reality check for us westerners who live more by what we see.
A Covering Prayer
Pray prior to attending public prayer meetings or praying with your prayer partner in the following ways:
- Commit your meeting to the Lord and surrender yourself and the agenda to His leadership.
- Pray for His Holy Spirit’s presence.
- Ask God to cover you and your time under the blood of Jesus.
- Pray that God would cover your spouse, family and goods under the blood of Jesus.
- Pray that the enemy, demonic forces and all untoward human awareness would be bound so only the Kingdom of God benefits from your prayer time. (This takes care of astral travelers too who may be present.)
- Ask God to release His gifts of wisdom and revelation, insight and discernment etc. in the meeting.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to release His prayers to you so you pray in His will.
Discerning Witchcraft over You
“Finally be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:10
Because witchcraft activity is attracted to the power in prayer, intercessors can be vulnerable to oppression from this source without realising, even to the point of having targeted assignments (directed curses coming against you). This is why daily prayers of spiritual protection are so helpful. This is not to be feared and can be dealt with through prayer. Some of the signs of witchcraft being used against you may include:
- A sense of weight or oppression over the home.
- Sleep disturbance, bad dreams or nightmares.
- Strange noises or a sense of a dark presence in the night.
- A run of unusual and malicious events including accidents.
- Unusual or persistent patterns of sickness or unexplained physical symptoms like headaches or sharp body pains (Do not ignore these if they persist after prayer.)
- Health issues to do with the mouth, throat, voice and chest. Intercessors with prophetic gifting can experience witchcraft manifesting against the body in these areas.
- Unexplained pattern of troubles with technology including computers.
- Ongoing contention and bickering in relationships driving a wedge between you – peace is robbed. It can literally feel like a wedge which seems insurmountable.
- Loss of or struggle for relational intimacy with spouse which can include thoughts of lust, a drawing to pornography, or another person.
- Struggle to pray with spouse.
- Loss of or struggle for your vision for ministry.
- A sense of being overwhelmed and overloaded.
Overt evidence can include:
- Objects being found around your home or place of ministry like dead birds in pools of blood.
- Stones placed in a circle or set pattern.
- Twigs placed in the shape of crosses. They may be tied or left loose.
- Ribbons or tape tied to different things (curses are placed on them).
What to do About it
“For God did not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 2 Tim 1:7
Not everything listed over the page may result from witchcraft. I’m not an advocate for noting or blaming the demonic for everything. Quite the contrary! Our Lord reigns, His name is above all and He has the victory. Our choices matter and we are accountable for them. However, this list is provided to give you a gauge to help keep you alert and watchful over yourself and home. It is an area not often talked about, yet real. God’s armour overcomes here if we use it. We are wise to use it.
If you are experiencing a number of the signs from the previous list pray specifically about witchcraft in the following ways:
- Forgive those involved and release them from your debt. Luke 11:4
- Choose to bless them and release them to God’s action. Pray that He would forgive them and lead them into His kingdom.
- In the name of Jesus bind all specific witchcraft intent against God’s purposes for you and your home.
- Ask God to protect you from the ‘eyes’ of the enemy, whether demonic or human agents. Praying that God would permanently close those eyes to your presence.
- Pray that the source of any witchcraft assignment against you would be covered in the blood of Jesus so it dissolves.
- Pray that the assignment itself would also be covered in the blood of Jesus and disintegrate, retaining no power against you. Ask God to protect you and yours and set His angels to guard your home.
- Ask God to nullify any personal effect of yours (including your name) from being used to activate power through any ritual against you, your spouse or family.
- Pray that God would release you in every way and protect and renew you, your marital covenant, unity, intimacy and your communion.
- Ask God to fill you with the power of His Holy Spirit, and setting His angels around you and your home.
You might like to invite your spouse and some trusted friends to help you pray using the points above.
As a Prayer Leader
”Pay attention! I am sending you out like sheep among wolves, so be as prudent as snakes and as harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16 (CJB)
We’ve talked about protection from general witchcraft activity in the life of an intercessor, but it’s my experience there is a greater level of demonic activity against prayer leaders. By leaders I mean those who may lead public prayer meetings, prayer groups and prayer assignments. Satan knows that opposing or taking out the leaders it is an effective strategy.
Early in the 2000s, after about two years of pioneer ministry, my husband and I were tired. We’d been involved in developing unity between our local churches and giving leadership to some combined prayer events, as well as a number of other ministries.
As a result of other life challenges we were both feeling the press of oppression, to the point we sought some insight and prayer from a couple living in our state. They were gifted with discernment. We expected personal prayer to refresh. What we didn’t expect was discernment that part of our challenges arose through targeted witchcraft directly aimed at our marriage. We knew of local witchcraft activity by report. We never envisaged we could come in for some attention. We did not think it would happen to us. They told us it is quite common and then led us in prayer similar to the prayer on the previous page.
We talked with our friends about how information regarding us may have been discovered. Our friends asked if our names ever appeared in a public forum linked to Christian ministry. Our answer was “yes, certainly”. I thought of all the advertising I’d done for our combined prayer events, including church bulletins and open email networks. The information was accessible to anyone in the general public, including those choosing to use that information against us and God’s purposes.
Since the Lord had called us to public leadership, including leadership of prayer events, our names would continue to be before the public. We understood our need to take preventative steps in prayer to protect ourselves in future. Some of those steps are found on the following page.
Covering Up in the Public Eye
“Spread your protection over them; that those who love your name may rejoice in you. For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favour as with a shield.” Psalm 5:11,12
I once read a story about Corrie Ten Boom and how she smuggled her Bible under the noses of her Nazi guards, into a German concentration camp during World War II. She was naked so there was no place to hide it. She asked God to hide it from the guards, though it was in plain sight. He answered.
The following prayer tips to cover up in public use the same idea.
Praying over advertising material:
- Pray over the advertising material (web postings, emails, fliers, church bulletins etc), asking God that His name would cover your name and this information so it could not be used in any witchcraft ritual or curse against you, your home, church or meeting. Phil 2:9-11
See page 28 for details on praying over technology and websites.
- Ask God to watch over where the advertising goes and hide it to all who would use it against God’s holy purposes.
Praying over spoken words:
- Pray God’s protection over your spoken words so they cannot be used against you in any ritual. May our words indeed honour Him!
Praying over your leadership:
- Pray that as a leader you would not draw the intent of enemy forces (or untoward human interest) in the meeting or in private. Pray that the name of the Lord covers and hides your person including your spirit. We are hiding in the name of the Lord. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10
- People, including God’s people, will comment, even gossip about people in the public eye and it can impact back on you in unseen ways. Pray general protection over your name, reputation and goods in Jesus’ name to protect you from harm.
Praying over the prayer meeting:
- Use the tips under the heading: Guarding the Place of Prayer.
- Ask God to cover you under Jesus’ blood after the prayer meeting.
Praying in the Flesh
“The acts of the sinful nature are obvious; sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft….. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Galatians 5:19-21
Let’s not be hasty to judge people who practice overt forms of witchcraft. There are other practices, closer to home, which we can all fall into, that are rooted in the flesh. These also come into the category of witchcraft and are more subtle. When we pray in the flesh, we have the capacity to operate in the area of control, manipulation and therefore witchcraft. Especially when we try to enforce our will through prayer assuming it is the same as God’s will.
Let me share a personal story. I was a member of a congregation for a time which had three women as part of their eldership team. This proved an issue of concern for a man who believed this was contrary to Scripture. Rather than pray for this team and invite God’s will to be done in terms of who was on the eldership (leaving it up to God to decide) I found out that this man was actively praying out these women believing God did not want them on the eldership.
Unfortunately I came to experience some of the fruit of his prayers as one after another these women became sick and had to step off the eldership team. The man was ecstatic believing God was answering his prayers but I sensed otherwise when I was then approached to join the eldership team. As I prayed about the position I came under fierce contention in the spirit. The Lord showed me this man unwittingly, through soulish prayers, had opened a door in the spirit. His prayers acted like curses against God’s female leaders in that congregation. As a result Satan’s oppression was released against these women in eldership, making it impossible for women leaders to stand with safety. I declined the invitation and looked to God to use my gifts elsewhere.
That gentleman, a fellow member of the Body of Christ, did not realise, by praying against his sisters, he was violating God’s command to pray for our leaders rather than against them. We need to be wise in how we pray! I needed to forgive Him!
Through that time I learnt that prayer holds currency in the spirit, and can be felt, independent of how wisely we steward the gift. Wrong prayers can be felt as much as positive prayers. We can all be guilty, even inadvertently, of praying wrong kinds of prayers in the flesh when we step out of the Spirit. Let’s not give up, but press on in prayer in partnership with the Holy Spirit!
After Engagement
“Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles; and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1,2
The Lord has taught me that enduring well to the end of our race includes the arena of our prayers. No matter where we traverse over our fields of intercession, no matter what lessons we learn on route or how sweet the communion with our Captain of Heaven’s armies, we need to make sure we finish well at the end of a prayer project.
When it comes to concluding a personal prayer project or finishing with a team, I have found the following helpful:
- Surrender your prayer project to the Lord, releasing your intercession (and role on team), signing off to Him.
- Surrender yourself to the Lord anew. Ask God to refill you by His Spirit including healing any wounds, refreshing and restoring you after all you’ve given out.
- Ask God to release you from your old armour, weapons and orders.
- Ask God to release to you your new armour for the new season, praying for a covering of the blood of Jesus.
- Fasting is a particularly helpful way to conclude a project because it has a protective function.
The joy of intercession is immense! There is no higher honour than partnering in prayer with the Lord, in the power of His Spirit. There is great privilege in joining our faith with our Lord’s ability, to see His purposes released on the earth. As we pray we enter holy ground. It is also soldiers’ work. As we learn to prepare for our times of prayer beforehand like soldiers prepare for the frontline, we will benefit much. We will be good stewards of our prayer time.
I pray that as you read and prayerfully apply the practical tips in this material you will be strengthened, so you keep on running your race in prayer to the end. Fix your heart on our Lord. He is the Source of the river of intercession. May you be strongly equipped to flow with His leading across your fields of prayer!
Prayers of Protection
Here are some examples of prayers of protection over home and goods. You might like to consider praying these.
Over Technology
Hardware: Praise God for the gift of technology and dedicate what you own in this line to Him, for example computers, ipads, ipods, phone, mobiles, printers, editing and videoing equipment.
Lay hands over them offering their function and life to God, praying for his protection over them including that God would protect them from becoming a distraction to you. Instead pray they would enhance the kingdom purposes of the home and family.
Information: Pray that the information on them and exchanged over them would be covered under the name of Jesus from all prying eyes, shielded in His name and under His blood. Dedicate websites, blogs, etc. to God and ask Him to protect them from malicious intent. Pray that the information posted on there cannot be used in witchcraft against you or others. Pray that sensitive information would remain confidential. Pray that your technology would run smoothly. Bind the enemy in Jesus’ name from taking liberties to create disturbance or distraction.
Over Vehicles
Dedicate your vehicle/s to the Lord. Thank the Lord for the provision of transport. Pray that God would protect you on the roads and set His angels around you and the vehicle. Pray that His blood would cover you and each vehicle you own. (Don’t forget to drive in a way that honours the Lord too!)
Ask that the Lord would keep you alert as you drive. Pray that mechanically your car would run smoothly. It’s normal that cars wear out and need servicing but it’s helpful to also bind the enemy in Jesus’ name from taking liberties here to create disturbance or distraction at important times.
Over Property and Home
It is helpful to share this as a married couple if possible as owners or stewards of the property. Invite the Lord to lead your prayer time. Do this each time you relocate.
In your yard or front porch: Commit your house, land and property to the Lord God in the name of Jesus Christ. (You can anoint your front gate with oil as an act of dedication.)
Offer yourselves to God, as steward of the home and property. Offer your home to the Lord for Kingdom use.
Ask the Lord to fill your home with His presence including setting angels over it and around its perimeter. Invite the Lord to act as watchman over all who enter your property and home.
Pray at the front door: Ask the Lord to protect you, your home and property, ushering in all who are sent by Him. Pray that the Lord would defend the home from all that would be against His purposes. Ask the Lord to bind up and remove all spiritual forces in Jesus’ name that would seek to move against His purposes for your family. Ask the Lord to fill you and your home with His Holy Spirit. (You can anoint the door with oil as an act of dedication.)
Move through your house and pray room by room: Is there any activity that you need to surrender or confess to the Lord that happens in this room? In the lounge commit the hospitality and family time to Him. In the kitchen commit food preparation and fellowship over meal times to him and so on.
In the name of Jesus ask the Lord to cleanse each room from all unclean spiritual forces that have had access to that room including any witchcraft assignment (demonic scheme) that’s been sent into that room. Pray that no unclean spirit could remain. Pray for a cleansing of each room in the blood of Jesus. Ask God to seal your home to godly use. Pray for protection over all effects in this room through the blood of Jesus. Ask the Lord to remove any witchcraft assignment that’s come via goods and effects. Ask the Lord to fill each room with His presence and restore true fellowship.
Pray at your perimeter: You may wish to complete your prayer time by walking your boundary line whilst in prayer and anointing your corner posts with oil and dedicating your land to Him.
Over Bedrooms
Move through each bedroom, one at a time, praying as the Lord leads. Here are some ideas of how to pray.
In the bedroom: Pray in each bedroom committing each occupant to the Lord and claiming His protection through the blood of Jesus over the occupant. Pray over the bedroom itself dedicating each to the Lord.
In Jesus’ name bind all unclean spiritual forces, past and present, including spirits promoting sexual perversion of any kind and any troubling spirits. Pray they would be unable to return. Pray for a cleansing of the room, its contents and its atmosphere in the blood of Jesus.
In Jesus’ name bind any witchcraft assignments that are being sent into the room or coming against the occupant. Pray that any information that may already have been gleaned by the enemy camp about the occupant would be negated. Pray for a shield of protection about the occupant.
Ask the Lord to fill the room with His presence. Invite Him to release angels to guard the occupant.
Pray over the bed: (You can anoint the bed with oil in an act of dedication.) Ask the Lord to cover and protect the sleep of the owner of the bed releasing the gift of sweet sleep and prophetic dreams. Pray that the Lord would watch over the occupant day and night and speak to the occupant while they sleep. Ask God to post His angels to guard the sleep of the occupant.
After Staying Guests
Uninvited and unintentional spiritual baggage can enter a home along with staying guests. Add a prayer for spiritual cleansing of the guest room whilst you vacuum and clean up after each staying guest. Playing worship music as you clean can assist.
Bless your visitor in the Lord’s name. Ask the Lord to cleanse the guest room in Jesus’ name and through His blood. In Jesus’ name bind any unhelpful spiritual forces that moved in during your guest’s visit. Pray that these unclean forces would not be able to return. Recommit the room to the Lord’s purposes for your family. Ask for a cleansing of the contents, bedroom, bed and atmosphere. Invite the presence of the Lord to fill the room.
Putting on the Armour of God
‘We’ has been used throughout this prayer but please change to the singular if you use it alone.
We come to You, Lord Jesus Christ in praise, honour and thanksgiving for who You are. You are the Lord, the King of Glory, our Mighty God and we worship You, by giving our lives afresh to You.
We recognise that we live in a fallen and corrupt world that brings pressure to conform each day. We recognise we have an adversary in Satan who wants to undermine Your work in our lives. We now ask for Your help to stand firm in You, against the pressures of society in Jesus’ powerful Name. Please help us apply the armour of God as Your protection so we can take our stand against the enemy.
Please help us tightly place around our waists the Belt of Truth to keep our armour in place. You, Lord Jesus, are the Way, TRUTH and Life. (John 14:6). Please help us to discern and walk in your Truth today in all circumstances. Protect us from errors, lies and deceptions. We bind the power of the enemy’s lies in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord, that Your truth sets us free. Help us to live in this freedom today.
We put on the Breastplate of Your Righteousness to protect our hearts from all unrighteousness. Thank You for Your righteousness purchased for us on the Cross of Calvary. Please guard us from evil and sinful desires. Protect our hearts from: unforgiveness, shame, guilt, fear, doubt, anger, bitterness, rebellion, resentment, rejection, pride, self-righteousness and judgementalism. Help us to glorify You because You have purchased our righteousness. Please help us to live in this precious righteousness today.
We place on our feet the shoes of the preparation of the Gospel of Peace as firm footing and a clear pathway. (Rom.10:15) Please help us to stand fast, firm in our footing and maintaining our balance against the schemes of the devil at all times. Help us to walk in victory and enter Your peace that passes all understanding. Guard us from attempting to forge our peace by works or achievements.
Help us raise up before us the Shield of Faith to stop the flaming arrows of the enemy causing us hindrances or distractions. We place the Shield over our bellies of sensitivity to guard us from those things that would harm us bodily, emotionally or spiritually. Help us to have an ever-growing faith in You, Lord Jesus Christ.
We place on us the Helmet of Salvation over our minds. We thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your glorious gift of salvation. We bind all spirits that would try to destroy our minds: spirits of mind-control, anti-Christ, control and manipulations, death and hell, condemnation, oppression, depression, insecurity, fear of inferiority, unbelief, confusion, occult and mental anguish. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ we bind all these spirits and by the power of the Holy Spirit render them powerless. Please, Lord Jesus, renew our minds and help us to have the mind of Christ filled with joy, peace and love. We ask that Your purity and holiness fill our minds. Please guard our tongues that we would only speak what You would have us speak and we would give You praise and honour at all times.
Please help us take the Sword of the Spirit and we thank You for Your Word. With the Sword of the Spirit we cut off all unhelpful sensitivity, all shame and wounding from a wounded spirit and bruising from verbal abuse in Jesus’ name. (Heb 4:12) We pray for wisdom and discernment in how to use Your Word well. Please help us remember and apply Your Word. Holy Spirit please bring relevant Scriptures to mind, as we need them through this day.
We ask You, Heavenly Father, to place a hedge of protection and Your angels of protection around us all. We reject and repel in the Name of Jesus Christ all infirmity, pain, infection, inflammation, malignancies, allergies, viruses, injury and re-injury.
Father please inspire and empower our prayers this day, reminding us to pray instead of worrying, criticising or feeling ineffective. Protect us from all wrong kinds of prayers that do not serve Your purposes for us. Help us to pray for those you bring to mind.
In Jesus’ mighty name we pray, Amen
An Intercessor’s Prayer
As we come before You this day, Lord Jesus, we acknowledge Your power and intervention. We thank You, Lord Jesus, that You are present with us through Your precious Holy Spirit. Help us to walk in Your ways, Your truth and with the Life You have purchased for us on the cross.
In Jesus Christ’s name and for His purposes in our community, region, State and country, we bind, rebuke and bring to no effect: all division, discord and disunity, all rebellion and disobedience, confusion and disorder, all strife, anger and wrath, murder, hatred and violence. Please stop all wrong criticism, slander, evil speaking and gossip. Clean up all filthy communications out of people’s mouths. Remove all hindering spirits, all retaliatory spirits, all deceiving and scorning spirits. End all poverty, lack or want, and fear of lack.
To all spirits that would try to destroy our minds, we bind in Jesus Christ’s name: spirits of control, anti-Christ, death and hell, fear, condemnation, oppression, depression, insecurity, fear of inferiority, shame, guilt, unbelief, confusion and mental anguish. In their place, we pray for the gifts of discernment, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Please Lord Jesus, protect our hearts from all unrighteousness, shame, guilt, fear, doubt, anger, bitterness, all rebellion, pride, rejection, self-righteousness and judgementalism. Please Lord Jesus, help us to walk in Your truth today. Please protect us from errors, lies and deceptions. Thank You that Your truth sets us free.
Please Lord Jesus, deliver us from the evil one and help us to stand fast against the schemes of the devil. Help us to rest in Your peace at all times. To those who would wish harm upon us we ask for forgiveness and blessing in Jesus Christ’s name.
In Jesus’ name and in accord with Your will, we bind and bring to no effect all prayers prayed that are not of You. We pray that You would undermine all psychic and witchcraft prayers, all curses, all spoken words and even thoughts over us and our family; we do not receive them! We declare in Jesus Christ’s powerful name, that they are null and void. We cut off their assignments, and return them to their senders with a blessing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In Jesus Christ’s name, we cut off all unhelpful sensitivity, shame and wounding of a wounded spirit and bruising from verbal abuse. Help us to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit at all times, that we might do what is right and honourable for You, Lord Jesus.
We pray for the covering of the blood of Jesus over the physical, spiritual, emotional, soul and will areas of our lives. We pray that they would be under the Lordship of Jesus Christ at all times.
We pray for the ministries that You have called us to be part of. We humbly ask for financial support so we can do the work unhindered by lack of money. We pray for others to assist us in the work of the Kingdom. We pray that You would raise up intercessors to uphold the work at all times. We pray for unity in spirit and purpose, working side by side, focussing on the Gospel.
In Jesus Christ’s powerful name, we command all demons and spirits ruling or otherwise associated with such, who are causing us hindrances, to leave and go to the place as directed by the Lord Jesus. We ask you Heavenly Father to place a hedge of protection and Your angels of protection around us all. We reject and repel in the Name of Jesus Christ all: infirmity, pain, infection, inflammation, malignancies, allergies, viruses, injury and re-injury.
Please Lord Jesus, help us to be light and salt that we might bring Your presence wherever we place our feet. Help us with our conduct and attitudes so that we love people with Your unconditional love today. We pray for Your divine appointments and the wisdom and courage to do Your will. Please Lord, extend our territory (1 Chron 4:10) this day for the extension of Your Kingdom and the glory of Your Name. Amen