What is the Gospel?
The word Gospel means “good news.” It is the plan that God has designed to save sinful humans from eternal separation from Him. Since there is no way we can earn our way back to God, the Bible says He came to us! This is the good news—the Gospel.
Are you ready to implement the plan, by receiving God’s gift of His Son, Jesus Christ? If so, believe in Christ and commit the rest of your life to Him. Remember, saying this prayer will not save you. You are simply expressing your faith to God through prayer.
“Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38).
If you decide to receive Jesus, you would be welcomed to God’s family. As a way to understand Him and grow closer to Him, the Bible helps us to know how to do the things that please Him. These just happen to be the very best for us as well.
- Get baptisted in water as commanded by Christ.
- Tell someone else about your new faith in Christ.
- Spend time with God each day. It does not have to be a long period of time. Just develop the daily habit of praying to Him and reading His Word. Ask God to increase your faith and your understanding of the Bible.
- Seek fellowship with other followers of Jesus. Develop a group of believing friends to answer your questions and support you.
- Find a local church where you can worship God.